Book an appointment


- 10% off Physiotherapy for University of Bath Students and Staff


- 10% off Physiotherapy for Circus Students and Performers.

Types of appointment

Face to Face Appointments

The Initial assessment lasts 45 minutes and will include full assessment diagnosis, advice, education and treatment if there is time.

Follow ups are up to 30 minutes

The booking process

  1. When you call or book online a face to face appointment with Joni, you will receive an email with the terms and conditions included in a patient information leaflet which you must electronically sign to confirm your consent. Also attached to the email is a New Patient Details Form and a Pre-assessment questionnaire and Consent Form. You must complete these 3 Online Forms and send these back.

    24 hours’ before your appointment a reminder email will be sent.

    Please be assured that full risk assessments have been carried out and there are enhanced infection control and cleaning protocols in place.


What to Bring to Your Appointment

Please bring all relevant paperwork to assist Joni in understanding your condition.

This may include doctors or other therapists letters or reports, x-ray or scan reports, operation notes and post-operative protocols that have been issued by your surgeon.

If it is a back or lower limb problem, please bring shorts.

If a neck or upper limb problem, please be prepared to undress to your underwear or wear a spaghetti-strapped top.

If it is a running related issue please bring your usual running trainers.

Missed appointments and Cancellations

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment please provide 24 hours’ notice.

Any cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice will incur a cost for the full amount.