Chaperone and Consent policy

Last updated: 23/04/2024


We understand that there are various reasons why a patient may wish to be accompanied during assessment or treatment.

For example:

Adults accompanying child patients.

  • For moral support from family member, friend or carer.

  • Assistance with dressing and undressing.

  • Help in remembering details of discussions and exercises.

  • Parents needing to bring in children where no childcare is available at the appointment time.

  • For help with interpretation from language difficulties or hearing impairment.

 Phoenix Physio encourages chaperones when the patient themselves requests this and for practical reasons would normally try to restrict this to one person. All patients are welcome to be accompanied/have a chaperone during an examination, procedure or treatment.

A chaperone is someone who is an adult acting as an informal third party.

At Phoenix physio a formal chaperone cannot be provided, but you are welcome to arrange your own chaperone to be with you.

At Phoenix Physio we require all children aged 16 or under to be supervised by an adult (parent or guardian) during examination and treatment sessions. If a patient is over 16, they may require or be offered an informal chaperone such as a friend or a relative. Where no appropriate adult has accompanied them to the clinic an alternative appointment will need to be arranged.

Joni Morley is DBS cleared and has attended child and adult safeguarding education.

If an interpreter or formal chaperone is still required then treatment can be sought at nearby Bath Clinic Hospital who are able to provide these services.

If you have a specific requirement or need an interpreter please email to discuss your individual needs.

Further details of our full Chaperone Policy can be provided by contacting Joni Morley


A culture of openness between patient and physiotherapist in actively encouraged at all times. We endeavour to provide patients with any information required about what to expect when they attend the clinic and we ask for their permission to assess and treat prior to the first appointment. This is completed online via the patient information leaflet and consent forms sent at the time of booking and which must be completed prior to starting treatment at Phoenix Physio.

Informed consent to all treatment and assessment is vital and includes an explanation of pros and cons in language that patients can clearly understand. It is good practice for this to be reported in the medical notes.

Phoenix physio will make every effort to help you to fully understand the diagnosis, the recommended procedures and any treatment that may be involved. We welcome any queries on anything that you may be uncertain of, or if you simply require more information. We also require that you make us aware of any factors that could affect your treatment or diagnosis. No objective assessment or treatment will begin unless you have given your consent verbally.

Patients are encouraged to maintain independence and self-care as far as is practicable, for example undressing themselves. Assistance is only given if it has been clarified that this is required.

Further details of the full Consent Policy can be provided by contacting Joni Morley.

Essentially, we want you to feel at ease throughout your experience with us and would encourage you to speak to us at any time if you are unsure about what to expect, what is happening or if you are in any distress. There are plenty of different ways we can approach a problem and we want to work with you to resolve the pain or injury you have.

You are free to withdraw your consent for treatment at any time and do not need to provide a reason. Treatment will immediately cease should you withdraw your consent.